Thursday, July 30, 2015


So after my daily prayer 
I got home
And  while washing dishes I saw
Spider and Ant

Dude falcoln just stayed and watched me for a bit like a good 5 minutes and even then didn't wander off far after!!! Suhweet!!!! 

I did the archangel micheal protection exerciser by doreen virtue only since I'm an acolyte of archangel micheal I said " I" in stead of asking micheal for assistance. 

And I prayed with gen and I did the meet your guardian angels exercize . 

It's dope!

My guides are totes here with meeee yay!!! 

And great news !!! I have my rent moneyyy!!!! And money for my storage unit !!! Yessss!!! :) yay! 

Now I just gotta hurry up and clean and maybe even have enough time and stamina to head in to work ! >:) yes!! 

:) :$ :) :$ Thanks Creator!!:) Thanks Guides!! Thanks Ancestors !!

And full moon tonight so I need to set my intentions and do the rememberance prayer ! :) 

Channeling love

Choose to channel love on a regular basis from higher self. 

It doesn't matter which person, which place. It is simply a choice.

It doesn't matter who the person is, it doesn't matter. 
The love is there. 

Honestly , there are no requirements to be deeply in love with another person.

And I need to forgive myself for hurting others and believe that the message of love is more important than the temporary hurt I caused.

It doesn't matter who I choose to love but the reality is that I have chosen to love, to be love. To stay in love and joy all the time. 

I think this answers my previous question .

Hey I think this is my first post but I'm curious. why do we have karma , it is my belief that we are all aspects of source/creator energy. Why do we have "learning" or clearing aspects with our souls. Especially with past and present lives. I have been really stuck on collective energy and our oneness as beings. I just am having a time grasping karma vs oneness. 

Like why are karmic/ancestral healings needed at all? Why are energetic transitions translated in our reality as pain ? I am writing this and the info seems to be flowing but it's still , frustrating. Thoughts ?

Choose to love those who tried to harm me, know I am protected. Surrender to the Creator, Surrender to myself.

Practice Love Every Day, no limits, no boundries, Always Expanding.


Karma ?

Hey I think this is my first post but I'm curious. why do we have karma , it is my belief that we are all aspects of source/creator energy. Why do we have "learning" or clearing aspects with our souls. Especially with past and present lives. I have been really stuck on collective energy and our oneness as beings. I just am having a time grasping karma vs oneness. 

Like why are karmic/ancestral healings needed at all? Why are energetic transitions translated in our reality as pain ? I am writing this and the info seems to be flowing but it's still , frustrating. Thoughts ?


Today be happy today do what you want and feel good while doing it. 

Guardian angels: 

Galadriel : blue and green . Black hair , green blue eyes intense : masculine and masculinity lower left legs and right leg led to knee.

Rose: brown hair pinks aura : self love and other aspects left knee

Sandaphalon: brown reds, ruddy earth: manifestation and others. Root chakra out of body in waist area. Out of body.

I am an acolyte of micheal. I have protection down already. All the things archangel micheL can do, I can as well.


I let go of my past lower life that I'm living now, and I put myself and my interests first everyday. I allow my divine higher self to embody me now.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


So it's been a while (like 4 days and that's a while for me) how have I been ? 

Good bad great sad happy glad and moot. 

I've been well obviously there's a lot that can go down in 24 hours so I'll say this.

I was in the hospital. I survived
I survived what I was putting myself through.

And now I'm reading a book on sociopaths and their displayed behavior.

And I work later today.

Uhhhhhhhh very sensitive to the behav

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I feel aimless. What am I loving for? I'm disconnected.? And I'm not sure what to do about it . 

Fuck forgiveness

Burn them all and fuck karma. Fuck reincarnation. If I'm gonna be stuck I may as well get pleasure from getting justice . 

Black candles and all .

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


I am so inexplicably alone.

Now does not determine forever.

I may find a compatable 
I may not

I study biochemistry, what job will I have .

Why did I study this ?

I am so inexplicably, alone.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

United States

1 out of 311 billion 
That's what you are 
In the colonial islands at least 

One of a collective 
This seperatness is hard to maintain 
When this Awareness of my Awareness is  making me aware of how silly seperateness is.


Flowing like ocean waves
Nothing behaves the way you tell it too
Following it's own design
Like wind between the branches of a tree
Uncontrolled but directed via instinct

I want to be a catalyst 
I want to be a fire
I want to burn forever
I want to burn brighter

I call my divine essence
I call back my true me's
I call back my higher selves
And all my conciousnesses to be

I am the conciousness that I Am
I Am the S P E C K that is the universe
I am the world of known boundary and unknown possibility.
I am that I AM
That which is and will ever be, and all that has ever been.

There is no time or separateness, all time is now all beings are one.

And I Am All that has Ever Been and Ever Will be.

Give it a go

Direct approach 
Begs direct reproach 
From others who you could've once called friend 
Days and hours guided by planetary powers 
Led us to the dissolution of us 
Back to the seperate beginning of me and you
But it is not the begining 
It was the ending of a cycle 
And No "and" between us just empty space between .

It wasn't a cycle started by me or you
But by what I was born into and what my loving parents were born into before me.
Conditional love
And The rules you play by to get it
Familiar to me like a straight jacket 
Familiar to me like a cursed family heirloom.
This codependency, this narcissistic idol
Someone to tell me what to do
How to feel, tell me what's wrong with me
Make me frustrated, twisted and addicted to this voluntary torture.

Well. I have no more cash for the dope boy. I have no more stamina for this never ending race.

Thanks to my therapy, thanks to my healing and thanks to the beings who supported me.

I let this addiction go, E V E R Y D A Y .
I choose my self, for the  V E R Y first time, 

Saturday, July 18, 2015


I think we were just two unprepared peoe trying for a healthy relationship. And I think it was a dream that couldn't happen given where both of us were and are still at. 

What narcissistic abuse does is it kind of puts 
Gas lighting and reframing 

By the nature of intimacy, make themselves vulnerable and bring down their barriers.


The shit that really softens my heart is sincerity and direct communication. 

My mind keeps wandering back to what happened, as if that would change the way things are.

I forgot what it was like to write poetry and song, my friend sean fletcher got me movin along. 

Sailing down my creativity sea...relearning again to just be me. 

I'm drinking a ginger sweet potato strawberry banana spirulina cholera honey almond milk ice and water smoothieee . 

And I know that it tastes so groovy.

Patchouli oil balances the emotions, that come and go like waves of the oceaaaaaan!!!! 

Friday, July 17, 2015


So I had a dream I was reading Harry potter books, but the were by branden Sanderson and they taught real magic . 


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Secret Steak 'n Shake menu 1

Okay girls 

Ask for a Nutella Shake , with a pump of salted Carmel syrup added, add brownies and blend it up, then add Carmel on top!!

Gabby approved this new shake is the hotness !God I'm brilliant <3 

World of Tomorrow

A quote from the film by Don Hertzfeldt "Do not lose time in daily trivialities, do not dwell on petty detail, for all of these things melt away and drift apart within the pure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly.

You are alive and living now, now is the envy of all of the dead." 

Watch it, it's only 17 minutes.

I really liked it .

Elephant journal

So I've been thinking about what I said to elephant journal and realized why don't I start writing what I hoped they would.

Write things that are inspiring a and engaging to the world. 

They actually accept web writers and other blog keepers in their fold as long as they are meeee <3 :) 

So I am thinking a about going for it.

Also I have to do another reading for a friend as practice ish.

But I'm also gonna say that the weekly reading day for us should be reserved for the weekends. I don't want to skew the results we find for each other . :/

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New moon


So I did reiki with carol and it was really good. A lot of people had past life issues come up for them and I think it's because I've been working so intensly with past lives and cleansing mine.

Since when we work we become a collective. I found a lot of hidden things!! Which was super cool! I received what I prayed for, and again I was super happy while I was there :) 

I owe a new friend 4 dollars I bought a cleanse off her, a 15 day tiao hei cleanse. 
I only took one packet and my stomach is so warm !!!!
I was planning on taking the anti candida pills but I think this is Mooore than enough! Lol .

So for the new moon of Tuesday June 14 .incence offering and prayer for cleansing karmic impressions.

First 6 generations back, then inspired to go 12 generations back.,  the 12 generations back felt darker ... I felt their darkness when I went there. 
Maternal and Paternal.

The incarnations that were past through to lead to this one::::

Higher: past, present, future, angels, archangels, aliens, crystals, celestial, atlantean, Gods.
Lower: all

And I ended my night singing these are a few of  my favorite things to a friend, gabby. It was pretty cute haha!!

Since this is after the actual day, I wanted to say that the intentions put out durring the ancestor incence prayers have already begun manifesting!!! Awesome :3.

Update update: just so we are clear, this cleanse has made me hella gassy.

And some things I like are Arthouse Fils, substance channel, IFC,iconoclasts, inside the actors studio, documentaries on changing the world :3, being inspired, and telling myself well I guess I'm not sleeping because I'm so focused on things I love and want to do and I'm getting them all done!! :D also channeling, channeling is pretty cool too.

Monday, July 13, 2015

What do I love

So !!! What do I love? :) 

I love growing plants, I love watching them grow.

I love energy work and laughter

I love watching and critiquing film

I love having a cute/sexy bod and appreciating it in the mirror.

I love being happy

I love getting massages, really good deep massages and receiving loving embraces.

I love men

I love loving while I am me.

I love the fact that Victoria is back home in the states.

I love that it's the year of the sheep

 I love that I have been gifted time to work on myself.

I love that I am becoming more and more self sufficient.

I love it when I surmount challenges

I love it when I am appreciated

I love it when I am loved :)  

Lost a post

Oh yeah remembered (set an intention gonna wait for results) 

Items used gardenia/jasmine

Also our home is covered in millipedes and another blogger blogged this and it's relevant 

From the site :

"The Millipede as Totem Animal

One who has the power of the millipede will seeenhanced fortune and an improved social life. Gamblers sometimes carry them to bring increased winnings and ward off bad luck. The lucky millipede totem possesses the following virtues: gambler’s luck, general good luck, speed, energy, quiet ferocity, healing, improved social life, reduction in negative energy. (From

Keynote: Movement into new psychic connections and relationships. Protection against psychic deceptions.

The pond below the cabinFor those whom the millipede is a messenger, successful movement in all endeavors will come with age. These are often “late bloomers.”

All creatures with antennae reflect increasing psychic sensitivities and perceptions. Because they are also nocturnal, it will be important to pay attention to dreams when the centipede appears as a messenger. Dreams will become increasingly prophetic and clairvoyant, providing great insight and inspiration. Many centipedes are also blind, and this an be a reminder to trust our inner perceptions and not outer appearances. Trusting in our higher perceptions will help us succeed in our endeavors and activities.

For those to whom the centipede appears, relationships are often based upon strong initial psychic connections not easily explained in other ways. When the centipede appears, it is not unusual for a strong psychic connection to occur with someone new shortly thereafter.

Damp environments are symbolic of creative, psychic, and emotional areas. For those to whom the millipede is a messenger, it’s important to find an environment supportive to their creative and psychic sensibilities, necessary for their health and well-being.

Centipedes and millipedes often remind us to be careful of what we say and how we say it.

They alert us to new psychic environments and connections and to new and previously unrecognized psychic relationships. They also appear to alert us to any possible pitfalls within those relationships. Theirs is the energy of quiet protection in psychic exploration. (From Ted Andrews’ Animal-Wise.) "

From :

Weekly reading

So I just gave my friend her reading it was long. We will see if I am viewing her future correctly, god it's humid :/

Sunday, July 12, 2015

On my mind

"You love who I was, you don't love who I am and I don't think you will love who I am becoming . So instead I invite you to get to know me, I invite you to date me."

Golden Meditation

So I just woke up at 2:15 and ended my golden sun pleidian workbook meditation at 3:00.

I did the grounding and aura drawing in. I connected to the earth and started the work. I let the light be golden and move down very slowly, I also allowed the golden light to eat away at any blocks in my past life energy fields. 

I saw a black crystal in my back and every time I tried grabbing if it would move, I tried violet flame but to no avail. Then I recalled my ritual mind and felt archangel micheals assistance . We stopped the rarefied black crystal from moving and flushed it out of my body into the fires of the earth. 

I added a new component by allowing a portion of the unlimited golden energy through my past life heart chakra to move through the back of my hands and out my finger tips.

I then focused on the rest of my energy centers by visualizing their pure clear color shining through for each center. 

I also continued the traditional pleidian energy cycle with the golden energy looping back up from the root chakra, through the swadthisthana, Manipura, anahata, a portion then through my arms and shining out my hands, then the other portion through Ajna, and then the rest sun showering me through the crown.

The second cycle down I allowed the energy to hit the still point and allowed the energy to rest over the ka template and other secondary energy points on the body.

After all of this I began the metatrons cube/ quantum stabilization chamber meditation. I used a golden grid. 

However it was harder for me to make the cube big enough so I used my room as a template since if is already a square and just visualized the grid passing through my room with me in it. 

I then visualized three  spheres as grids rotating within one another. The most center spherical grid spun northeast in an ecliptical fasshion, the second grid that had the smaller one northeast one within it spun northwest in an elliptical fashion, and the main circular grid simply moved up and down and through my body, it was the main piece that rolled up and down and through me. 

I think this was an effective meditation.

I did feel stress when I removed the black crystal, I felt a sense of tiredness as I did it, but I'm beginning to recognize that tiredness as the energy trying to hold me back from bettering myself. :/ ? 

Well I will find out nonetheless,time for breakfast. 

Just finished

So I just finished taking my detox bath (baking soda, essential oils, and Epsom salts) 

Don't feel any different than I would after a hot bath.

I exfoliated my feet and legs and used coconut oil as a body moisturizer.

Also used my regular bio oil for my face.before the bath I brushed my teeth and rinsed with the baking soda and salt solution , so that the ph of my mouth will change and allow for most of the dental carrie causing bacteria to die.

Um now I will just listen to filmspotting and clean( truth be told I haven't folded one shirt at all ) 

Okay buh bye

Weekly readings

Okay soooo I think I may just start doing weekly readings in conjunction with my reiki energy work. 

I also need to be more cognizant of my habits for the sabbath. 

But in any case I did do reiki today.

I set up a reading practice thing between me and my friend gena, I may make it a weekly thing or start a group between friends who are local idk.

I stretched via kegels ;) and I worked out shoulders and pull-ups. I did Arnold press, lateral and ventral deltoid single arm lifts as well as rear deltoid lifts. 

I only did 3 sets but I'm a bit tye tye. 

I still need to do neck bridges and backbends.

Also want to make sure I keep my scholastic work up. I need to work only tests that I am eventually going to take . 

But that's all I wanted to say, oh and  I'm still cleaning .

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Elephant journal

Hey there so I did reiki on myself , my chakras seem a bit closed strange since I used harth, invoked acsended master Jesus, mother mary, st germain and mary magdaline as I used dai kyo myo, hon sha Sho nen, cho ku rei and Sei hei ki.

After wards I decided to go to the panel attack party, I started getting ready, exfoliated my face picked my face of white heads as well and used my cold cream and oil. Then I used frankincense and myhrr on my scalp.  And proceeded to drive to mchenry.

I turned around once my gps got me to the location, I saw some people who were at the party and decided I would be better off not intermingling with those people . 

I turned around to head home got some Taco Bell and a mcdonalds Oreo frappe (loaded in carbs) and drove back listening to 91.5 chigago WBEZ film spotting.

It's a radio show all about films, the art of storytelling and cinema. It has become one of my favorites.

I viewed my social media page and saw a post from elephant journal, another of my favorites and realized most of the posts that I've seen on my social media have been geared toward getting people into relationships, and although it is a beautiful pursuit I feel it Denies all the other pursuits that life can offer . 

Here is my beautiful response: 
Hey elephant journal, please take this in the best way possible, but it seems to me that most posts from you to my online feed have to do with love and external relationships with others in the romantic sense, seeking a partner. And although this is Very good in one sense, I think that it completely eclipses what you originally meant to me when I found you. There was a practical spirituality full of real world application, there was also more information on growth and the support that most creatives need to continue to be daring, there was inspiration to continue to explore the inner and outer realms of this gift called life. I only say this as poetically as I can frame it because I would love to read more about the things that keep me invested in your journal and more succinctly, in life in general. I would like you to "hold the sacred space" for others who can't/won't/or don't believe they can frequent spiritual retreats . In my eyes You and all the iconoclasts you represent are a portable vehicle for such pursuits. I hope you take what I have expressed with love and gratitude, because that is what I have for your work. I would just love to see, feel, and read more about the beauty of our world, how spirit interacts with all beings on a personal level and more how to continue to channel that force and recognize it daily. (So many run on sentences I know)
I wish you all the best and look forward to reading more of your work. Happy writing, best wishes A. B.

Friday, July 10, 2015


So after doing the energy healing/forgiveness work

I send a message via text to Le boxer . And I get a reply.(I didn't think I would get one)

I also get a message from my old roommate jonathan .

( it was about Water bill issues ) . 

I took my name off the bill like april29th/may1st or something.

And jonny says that my name was on the bill or something, but I went I person to do so so that's weird, but anywho he messaged me on aim face book instant messanger and informed me. 

We chatted about from 12:18 am til 12:37am just about the bills and such.

He said he had really hoped I was okay. 

Soooo results from energy worrrrk!!
I also fell asleep for like 3 hours after doing it. (Forgiveness is hard, but transitioning without all your consciousness/soul is harder tho) 

Also I acted like the year of the goat was over it's not and I have a lot of time to continue.  
Also again, I will be limiting my instinct to help others, I'll be limiting how much information I volunteer and how far I extend myself. 

Back to buisness:
So I have to call the water company and ask them if the bill was in my name bc I Don't Live there and the woman I spoke to said she would take care of that, and I don't have extra cash to cover their water . This is why I wanted my name taken off the bill!!!!! But we shall sea. (Get it ocean jokes, water bill haha) 

And I think I finished the energy work around. 6:45pm, reviewed a text back at 8:48 pm and started the text at 12:18 am.

Funny coincidence. 


Just finished an energy working on the box. I did it so that I can keep all parts of my consciousness that's May have fractured due to trauma. 

It's said that you loose parts of your consciousness/soul to the lower realms when you give a partner your love and they betray you, or when someone you love dearly dies and you may say I can't go on without them, or you live through war, rape, and other traumatic events.

I want all of me to shift in vibration once this life ends, it is my way of putting forth the energy of forgiveness.

I did chakra cleansing via dai kyo myo and hon sha na Sho nen and reiki energy. Once I got to the heart chakra I invoked johre over and over again then at the root chakra I cut cords and I invoked clear pure red light energy. 

I also envisioned a fake skin falling/ being ripped off and burning in violet flame. I remembered to be gentle but also know I have to follow my intuition. After doing all of this I envisioned a golden egg of healing and I envisioned blue and violet surrounding the egg. To support the healing and self healing.

I invoked archangel Michael and st germain. I also asked for assistance from the archangel realms the higher self that guides and from the creator. 

Then I asked archangel Michael to solidify the egg of healing and to cut any cords that needed to be cut. 

I also invoked archangel Raphael to support this healing and for the egg to stay as long as is necessary. 

Then I envisioned white light in the center as I backed away from the golden egg,

I subdued out soul connection and cleansed it with violet flame. I also asked for assistance from st germain and archangel Michael when I did so.

Then I envisioned myself and my entire room in violet flame that became magenta. 

I did a Pleiadian light work/ reiki mix where I rooted from my earth star and had the energy travel down to my feet then all the way back up. When ever I felt blocked I would invoke raku and johre three times. I allowed the energy to move out of my past life heart chakra and out of my present life heart chakra, I completed the circuit three times.

Then I quickly envisioned my golden egg surrounded by blue .

And came back.

It took me 15minutes to write this and I finished the session at 6:45pm Friday July 10th. I think I may work the others as well.


Okay so writings for today, I have the weekend off Awesome! But earlier my parentage saw the state of distress I wave in and out of by entering my room. 
It was a stye and I was embarrassed.

I've been cleaning up the main living areas to keep them away from that and since I have a limited amount of energy I had grown used to the mess I left myself in. 

I'm cleaning up right now.

I feel a bit better but it still comes and goes in waves. I need something to focus on, an anchor of sorts in my memory warehouse. Something I can build upon to hold me down when things get stormy. 

Maybe a precious memory. 

So far it's just been violet flame/violet light.

When I spoke with a future roommate the other day, it was almost like the first time I felt their energy. 

Very grubby, like trying to get something from me. I may do a banishment for that sort if thing , when it comes to them.

They do have the best of intentions at least it seems that way. I just don't need to deal with those sorts of things in one of my kingdoms.

May do energy work tonight I'm feeling some reiki.

And solitude again.

I'll write more later ciao

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New meditations

So here's a new protection visualization for you and mama to try:

Envision all the planets in all their weird orbits you at the center, the earth beneath you and them circulating round you the sun in front of you and another sun over head, 

ask the planetary intelligence s for their guidance and protection, for joy to increase and love and abundance in all things that you deem good, envision the planets orbiting around your home then your loved ones then you last. Thank them for their help, thank and give graditude to all those who have aided you on your spiritual journey and give thanks to the creator spirit (and angels Lol) . I just did it and boy it is intense :3 loves it and live you both I feel awesome !!!

Respect my Copyright bitch<3

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Im balance

So it's just a chemical imbalance, that's all I need to tell myself. 

Just do more thinks I like. Do more things I wanna do.

Eat ice cream. Stay up all night. 

Play video games 

Watch anime

Play with reiki

Stargate 2 :Hopi

So I played with the 2nd atargate and heard that I need to love more, I felt anahata open up and there were memories flooding back. There were a lot of box13 that needed to be opened. I promptly ended the meditation. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Stargate 1 Egypt

Sirius, the first gate. 

Open the channel, I am sleepy but I defiantly feel a shift. 

It says to open myself to new experiences to's day. And to nurture myself in new and loving ways .

Sothis is Sirius.
The land of the cat people, well let's meow . Lol . 

Thoth is in the center, a lioness gatekeeper and a star guide to open the way. 

Results soon. 

Dreams of Sirius: Card number 1 of 22

Hey there so I attempted a path working excersize with the stargate deck.

The first card is Sirius. I tried contact but there was just blank space I guess. I saw a being walk out of darkness to me and I rejected it. Bc that stuff kinda freaks me. I should try again to fully complete this deck but who knows.

I fell asleep

But when I woke up I tried it again. 

No effect except, when I slept I dreamed of my sister and she ended up face timing me which was cool :) 

And I woke up with a bit more energy and purpose.

I also used the modern dai kyo myo symbol reversed over the back of Manipura and normal over the front of Manipura on my body , that could be the reason I feel a bit refreshed too. 

I can't attribute that change to the cards 

But when I contact Sirius I see static. Maybe ruins. Idk , but I will attempt again and keep a log 

Hello ello

Hey so yesterday the Fourth of July, I did an online reading for a friend. 

I did one at first it was way off but they said they had protections up and when they do that the readings everyone gives them are off, so they asked me to reread them.

I did and I saw some not so "tasty" stuff. Necromancy and such. Now I don't really care what they did or why they did it so I gave them my impressions and advice. 

I told them about certain things they can place in the room to keep spirits out and prevent them from manifesting.

They were very upset with me because if the delicate  nature of the reading, but I felt like it wasn't just my job to give them bits and pieces of the reading but everything I picked up.

I ended up not going out for the fourth. I apologized and punished myself in that way for it. But honestly I did my job, I told them what I picked up, what I thought.

Hmmm but either way I will definitely be adding some disclaimers before I do that reading stuff again... Yeah O.0 

I don't like causing people pain, but I don't like bullshit either so delicate balance I suppose. 

Also I just did some reiki again and sent some to past me with dai kyo myo and no past no present no future just now symbols. Reenergized :3! 

Also sent some to boxer and prayed for peeps .

Still have to start the light work again. And I also found my list!!! Yes!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Psychic connections make me vomit

So sometimes when I'm viewing someone, the energy they are putting out for real makes me wanna vomit. 

It happened just now when I saw a pornographic image, it happens sometimes when I think on certain people, it happens when I connect to the way milk and meat are processed in this country. It sometimes happens when I think about road kill and how the intestinal enzymes are digesting the body and the bile is degrading everything. It happens when I smell garbage and rot.

It's hella gross

Saturday, July 4, 2015

What I've done so far today

4th of July 

Early morning , pleidian grounding and golden light sun shower plus blue glow and violet light.

Meditated same meditation with Gen

Sage'd and palo santo'd stargate deck cards.

Lime Karma ritual focused more on heart chakra front and back so I shifted the energy of both past and present lives.

Reiki'd food with cho ku rei, Sei hei ki, hon sha Sho nen, dai kyo myo. 

Reikied myself. 
    I worked on the back if my ka template 
    and did a clockwise fire swirl upwards.
    I felt so much heat. The energy also 
    focused itself on my left and right hip 
    bones. It also focused in my right 
   Really focused in my heart chakra 

Once done visualized violet flame in entire space.

Also did brief meditation looking up through crown chakra channel asking for answers, an entity ( Baba Yaga/ Hecate ) came forth, I wasn't able to have a real conversation with her in a respectfull manner so I left that conversation. 

After leaving gen and ryleys I saw crows, a rabbit, squirelles, dragonflys, cardinals, "red winged black birds" and a fawn a baby lady deer. (Box13's Patronus)

I must also say spirit has been really chatting with me ALOT l8tely. Esp since I have been going with the flow and following intuition as to should I call/help a person or not. I don't always listen but when I do it's :) !!

I spoke with a psychologist in my friend list "accidentally". (Universe) she accidentally called me and I called her back over facebuk 

Also I think I maybe want to be a bit more like Stephanie when it comes to her approach and manner of being. 

And more to come today is my spiritual day / Sabbath after all.

Independence Day

I am thankful we all can call this country home. I am thankful I  able to create the life that I want to here. I am not thankful for the way in which it was made but we have it and I am still appreciative of that. Without it we would've never known each other, and I am thankful for the love that each one of you have given me. Happy Independence day, may the seeds of independence from tyrannous actions and the upholding of human rights take fruit in us all. Happy day of Independence .

Initiation to the starts (ITTS)

Recovering galactic memories and opening to stargate healing energies, a two-way channel.

22 stages of initiation better prepared before me so that I may open up to Michael I think so. It's a doorway to my true star self.

I plan on doing the initiation of the stars by James F. JEREB  in conjunction with the pleidian light work book opening an awakening your divine ka. By Amorah Quan Yin

I can also say that in the recent past ,I've been doing I've been giving reverence on the new moon and some full moons to my ancestors my past lives, my parallel lives , future selves (because time can only be quantified by collective personal experience)  and my Higher, Celestial, Arcturan, Crystal, Archangel, angelic, lower (dark side ) and galactic selves. 

It is my belief that There are of course other beings that I passed through to incarnate and these are just some I can give names to.

It is my intention to unify my awareness of my consciousness's in this being here and now known as myself. 

I also plan to use every skill I have available to get what I want in any moment.  Chemistry, energywork, decades of practice in the craft/shamanism and mediumship. Ect ect.

This is enough for now . 

I've just cleared the cards with intention, sage and palo santo wood. I will now envision light around, through and making up the cards.