After wards I decided to go to the panel attack party, I started getting ready, exfoliated my face picked my face of white heads as well and used my cold cream and oil. Then I used frankincense and myhrr on my scalp. And proceeded to drive to mchenry.
I turned around once my gps got me to the location, I saw some people who were at the party and decided I would be better off not intermingling with those people .
I turned around to head home got some Taco Bell and a mcdonalds Oreo frappe (loaded in carbs) and drove back listening to 91.5 chigago WBEZ film spotting.
It's a radio show all about films, the art of storytelling and cinema. It has become one of my favorites.
I viewed my social media page and saw a post from elephant journal, another of my favorites and realized most of the posts that I've seen on my social media have been geared toward getting people into relationships, and although it is a beautiful pursuit I feel it Denies all the other pursuits that life can offer .
Here is my beautiful response:
Hey elephant journal, please take this in the best way possible, but it seems to me that most posts from you to my online feed have to do with love and external relationships with others in the romantic sense, seeking a partner. And although this is Very good in one sense, I think that it completely eclipses what you originally meant to me when I found you. There was a practical spirituality full of real world application, there was also more information on growth and the support that most creatives need to continue to be daring, there was inspiration to continue to explore the inner and outer realms of this gift called life. I only say this as poetically as I can frame it because I would love to read more about the things that keep me invested in your journal and more succinctly, in life in general. I would like you to "hold the sacred space" for others who can't/won't/or don't believe they can frequent spiritual retreats . In my eyes You and all the iconoclasts you represent are a portable vehicle for such pursuits. I hope you take what I have expressed with love and gratitude, because that is what I have for your work. I would just love to see, feel, and read more about the beauty of our world, how spirit interacts with all beings on a personal level and more how to continue to channel that force and recognize it daily. (So many run on sentences I know)
I wish you all the best and look forward to reading more of your work. Happy writing, best wishes A. B.
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