Monday, June 8, 2015

At gabes behest #2

So today was interesting, arguments meditation peace cleaning , and rest may I need to do my fire meditation but I just wanna chill

Also need to work out , may do both nite 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Behest of gabe

Hey there so at the behest of gabe I'll continue writing again. 

Today was interesting so far I've been trying to calm down from the crazy events at work, I wound up blowing up at my brother. I've had two days off and I'm still fuming.

I reacted to him because he was being inconsiderate lazy and just in general a younger brother. 

I feel a bit guilty for getting as enraged as I did but I don't feel bad for establishing boundries. :/ 

Meh. He just left dirty dishes in the bathroom I put it in his room he said well you could just take them downstairs in a snotty tone bc he did not want them in his room. 

I blew up! I interpreted his words as I'm entitled to you doing this for me. 

I really hope no one else oversteps their bounds with me bc I'm kind bc I REALLY don't think. I'll be able to hold back my displeasure

~Alex Omega Out