Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tree talking

So I was talking to the tree I view outside my window after a dream I had where every mammal on the planet became plants due to some rouge plant conciossness .

At first it felt threatening but eventually all life was in symbiosis in this world creatinine loving mantras out of vines on their backs that said, be love,

I am happy, joy. 

They were human plant dinosaur hybrids it was cool. They were far as well. I viewed the planet from space and all was green :) .

But back to the convo.

I spoke to the tree and recognized it as some of the first physical empaths.

They take in energy of the surroundings and convert it, but beyond that they really do take in the energy of the environment and ground it literally.

And I thought on myself. 

That's what's been happening with myself and the people I currently live with.

One of my roommates lost a family member and I woke up earlier remembering someone I lost.

I have discovered through this my boundaries aren't solid enough of a persons emotional state is being transferred to me .

I need better techniques besides gold shields and violet flame .