I did the grounding and aura drawing in. I connected to the earth and started the work. I let the light be golden and move down very slowly, I also allowed the golden light to eat away at any blocks in my past life energy fields.
I saw a black crystal in my back and every time I tried grabbing if it would move, I tried violet flame but to no avail. Then I recalled my ritual mind and felt archangel micheals assistance . We stopped the rarefied black crystal from moving and flushed it out of my body into the fires of the earth.
I added a new component by allowing a portion of the unlimited golden energy through my past life heart chakra to move through the back of my hands and out my finger tips.
I then focused on the rest of my energy centers by visualizing their pure clear color shining through for each center.
I also continued the traditional pleidian energy cycle with the golden energy looping back up from the root chakra, through the swadthisthana, Manipura, anahata, a portion then through my arms and shining out my hands, then the other portion through Ajna, and then the rest sun showering me through the crown.
The second cycle down I allowed the energy to hit the still point and allowed the energy to rest over the ka template and other secondary energy points on the body.
After all of this I began the metatrons cube/ quantum stabilization chamber meditation. I used a golden grid.
However it was harder for me to make the cube big enough so I used my room as a template since if is already a square and just visualized the grid passing through my room with me in it.
I then visualized three spheres as grids rotating within one another. The most center spherical grid spun northeast in an ecliptical fasshion, the second grid that had the smaller one northeast one within it spun northwest in an elliptical fashion, and the main circular grid simply moved up and down and through my body, it was the main piece that rolled up and down and through me.
I think this was an effective meditation.
I did feel stress when I removed the black crystal, I felt a sense of tiredness as I did it, but I'm beginning to recognize that tiredness as the energy trying to hold me back from bettering myself. :/ ?
Well I will find out nonetheless,time for breakfast.
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