Friday, July 10, 2015


Just finished an energy working on the box. I did it so that I can keep all parts of my consciousness that's May have fractured due to trauma. 

It's said that you loose parts of your consciousness/soul to the lower realms when you give a partner your love and they betray you, or when someone you love dearly dies and you may say I can't go on without them, or you live through war, rape, and other traumatic events.

I want all of me to shift in vibration once this life ends, it is my way of putting forth the energy of forgiveness.

I did chakra cleansing via dai kyo myo and hon sha na Sho nen and reiki energy. Once I got to the heart chakra I invoked johre over and over again then at the root chakra I cut cords and I invoked clear pure red light energy. 

I also envisioned a fake skin falling/ being ripped off and burning in violet flame. I remembered to be gentle but also know I have to follow my intuition. After doing all of this I envisioned a golden egg of healing and I envisioned blue and violet surrounding the egg. To support the healing and self healing.

I invoked archangel Michael and st germain. I also asked for assistance from the archangel realms the higher self that guides and from the creator. 

Then I asked archangel Michael to solidify the egg of healing and to cut any cords that needed to be cut. 

I also invoked archangel Raphael to support this healing and for the egg to stay as long as is necessary. 

Then I envisioned white light in the center as I backed away from the golden egg,

I subdued out soul connection and cleansed it with violet flame. I also asked for assistance from st germain and archangel Michael when I did so.

Then I envisioned myself and my entire room in violet flame that became magenta. 

I did a Pleiadian light work/ reiki mix where I rooted from my earth star and had the energy travel down to my feet then all the way back up. When ever I felt blocked I would invoke raku and johre three times. I allowed the energy to move out of my past life heart chakra and out of my present life heart chakra, I completed the circuit three times.

Then I quickly envisioned my golden egg surrounded by blue .

And came back.

It took me 15minutes to write this and I finished the session at 6:45pm Friday July 10th. I think I may work the others as well.

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