Monday, July 13, 2015

Lost a post

Oh yeah remembered (set an intention gonna wait for results) 

Items used gardenia/jasmine

Also our home is covered in millipedes and another blogger blogged this and it's relevant 

From the site :

"The Millipede as Totem Animal

One who has the power of the millipede will seeenhanced fortune and an improved social life. Gamblers sometimes carry them to bring increased winnings and ward off bad luck. The lucky millipede totem possesses the following virtues: gambler’s luck, general good luck, speed, energy, quiet ferocity, healing, improved social life, reduction in negative energy. (From

Keynote: Movement into new psychic connections and relationships. Protection against psychic deceptions.

The pond below the cabinFor those whom the millipede is a messenger, successful movement in all endeavors will come with age. These are often “late bloomers.”

All creatures with antennae reflect increasing psychic sensitivities and perceptions. Because they are also nocturnal, it will be important to pay attention to dreams when the centipede appears as a messenger. Dreams will become increasingly prophetic and clairvoyant, providing great insight and inspiration. Many centipedes are also blind, and this an be a reminder to trust our inner perceptions and not outer appearances. Trusting in our higher perceptions will help us succeed in our endeavors and activities.

For those to whom the centipede appears, relationships are often based upon strong initial psychic connections not easily explained in other ways. When the centipede appears, it is not unusual for a strong psychic connection to occur with someone new shortly thereafter.

Damp environments are symbolic of creative, psychic, and emotional areas. For those to whom the millipede is a messenger, it’s important to find an environment supportive to their creative and psychic sensibilities, necessary for their health and well-being.

Centipedes and millipedes often remind us to be careful of what we say and how we say it.

They alert us to new psychic environments and connections and to new and previously unrecognized psychic relationships. They also appear to alert us to any possible pitfalls within those relationships. Theirs is the energy of quiet protection in psychic exploration. (From Ted Andrews’ Animal-Wise.) "

From :


  1. Wow, it appear around my feet when i hd an argument with my husband

    1. I'd venture to say it was a powerful reminder fo the connection between the two of you your are meant to be however there are secrets lies perhaps not expressed holding back he is meaning he could very well be the karmic

  2. keep on seeing milipede in the spa I am running!!

  3. Just had a millipede dream. And decided to search on the insect

  4. I just burnt about 30 or more because i didn't understand what was going on. So many millipede and the Harry ones

    1. 😢....and I read that millipedes make excellent pets too😢 They do not bite either. I slso learned that House Centipedes are beneficial critters and it is encouraged to keep at least 2 in your home for they kill and eat bedbugs, roaches, silverfish...insects that are not beneficial.Sounds odd but it is true. We have a few at our place and they keep to themselves. Another insect misunderstood-wind scorpion,aka camel spider. They are not scorpions & they may look creepy but they too are beneficial-they eat scorpions but we choose to scoop them up in a empty cereal box and keep them outside!

  5. I am a claraviant/ we hv a had alot of rain here recently' but my house literally has hundreds of millipedes surrounding it' I'm not sure if this is weather induced or something more also hv been recently having some uneasy feelings' anyone hv any advice ? If so please email me

    1. You're a Star*Marine. You are being activated.

    2. Beautiful Atlantian
      I'd like to say heavy protection chiefs coming in yes activating abundance

  6. I kept seeing millipede whenever I ponder on travelling. Are they related to that notion?Thanks

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Been seeing small ones in my apartment lately. And recently, I've been getting more sales through my online store. Could this be a sign?

  9. Oh wow,that'really Who am.i have the centipede tatoo on my abdomen when i was a little kid done by my happy to see this post.I grown up to see myself so much sensitive and forseen happening ahead and i was get sign in things to come

  10. Helli everyone,recently at night something strange happened to me and just can't stop thinking about it
    Was sleeping then felt unual feeling on my skin, I wake up and put the light was aillipede and had left a scach bt looks like a tattoo of a curl(coiled millipede)
    It was a between 4-5pm'
    Am still having the mark( tattoo) on my skin and Everytime I look at it I feel scared...
    Naturally we know millipedes are harmless to humans and am not allergic to anything...but given the fact that I've been having unwell feelings and trying too many challenges in my relationship...I can't help thinking if this could he somehow a message or something...
    I wish I could aploid photos I've taken for the coiled millipedes mark on my skin but guess not possible...
    I tried to concult my medical doctor and says basically am very fine...
    But please I need help, not fine cause I am not so sure what to think.. weather it's just normal or a coincidence or something meaningful
    I'll appreciate if anyone can reach me through ""
    Much love from Ug

  11. Hi ppl, my experience is out of the ordinary as anytime I wake early in the morning to praise and glorify God this insect come in numbers and chase me around my parlour, they even go round in circles in the chase, even in the dark, I cannot explain this connection, it happens all the time, they come down from the walls and the ceilings just to get at me. Can someone tell me what this is all about.

    1. It's said that it is your ancestors your powerful guides blessing you a blessing in on its way divine justice

  12. One of my cats caught a millipede, luckily it's bleeding on the kitchen floor, and I wanted to search its symbolic meaning. I'm glad I have cats because if it was alive I'd lose my sh*t... Those above comments I'm sooo sorry. But the message is relevant to my life right now. No use questioning spirit.

  13. I was having my private prayer and meditation, suddenly I saw a millipede coming closer to me and I used one pairs of sandals to fling it far from me...and the millipede turned back and came back again, I fling it for the second time but it returned, I now left it and started going round my sandals for about two times n left.. meanwhile I didn't touch it again......plz what could be the message if I may ask??

  14. I was laying in bed and a millipede fell from the ceiling right next to my head 😱

  15. Okay you guys with the millipedes coming for you are what we call Star*Marines. You are being activated by spirit to receive your gifts. Go to YouTube and search "Star Marine FUll Disclosure".

    1. I searched for this and all I got was a bunch of video games being played by a company called, "Bored Gamer". Can you please give who your video is by? Nothing agaibst this BoredGamwr I'm just not looking for that right now.

    2. Based on the laws of attraction, you are responsible for every single thing you attract. If you can believe every single thing you attract has a meaning, then you are attracting meanings to how you're feeling. If you understand this and are a scholar in yoyr own life and not someone who fakes it just for more knowledge, but knows their truth, then wrap this around your brain. You manifest bugs into existence. They do not appear made from somewhere else. You make them out of thin air with your thinking, because your emotional self wants answers, confirmations, assurances. This is not new. But people refuse to believe it. How old is the nursery rhyme 'Little miss muffet' that story practically identifies conjuring a bug and its told to children all over the world. Next time you see a spiner realize you were weaving your dreams for your life in your thoughts. Ants are about teamwork and colonies and feeding from the plenty. And so on. Just google anything with the word spiritual in front of it and apply what you read to exactly what you eere thinking. This comment is not a fluke. I randomly lept off the floor because a millipede was inches from my face. Scared the beegeezes oyt of me, but looked it up, as i always do. Then i couldn't sleep, so I came downstairs to read posts. I stopped at yours and wasn't going to leave a comment, but I saw you tried to make your point twice. That courage grants you yhis infinate wisdom that 99.9999% of the population reject. But for you, think about it. FS

  16. Just been in spiritual isolation tonight when I saw a small millipede. I searched on the meaning finding your blog.
    Thank you.

    I believe thru you, my guides showed some actions to do and millipede totem animal spirit has to say something about it.

  17. I keep finding them in random places once by the bathroom once in the both were dead and i found one alive in the laundry room. At first i thought someone was placing them there because they were dead. The one in the laundry was alive i scooped it up and threw it back outside can someone please help me with what this means

  18. I recently put in a goldfish pond in my backyard. I keep finding big drowned milipedes in the pond. With?

  19. I have been blessed with seeing them all over today this powerful energetic place of creation with a moving stream of water psychic upgrades being activated at this time! Chiefs are speaking and moving through so many of us at this time bless anyone reading this right now! Check my YouTube out at Go With Flow 11:11


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