Monday, April 27, 2015


What to blog about hmmm 

Got new spirit guides, two in fact !!! They're lovely :) 

Got new psychic abilities, it's pretty shway :3 

And spent some much needed time with my family that I am so lucky to have . 

Very lucky indeed

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today is 4/19/15

and today i am thankful for my father. Grys Anatomy and the silence of space, my own space.

Grass is Green

So is it all this game that we play with one another, one person has an attribute we want and we play at jealousy ?

weird ....

Friday, April 17, 2015

Concerns ... Not really

Hey there Glammie fans lol, so I'm watching the fault in our stars ,

Looking at the result on my body of playing depressed (not cute btw) 

And listening to Borns Past lives.

My concern for my future is that I won't be as active as I once was, but it doesn't matter, not really. 

I will be active and it's all a process.

I also don think I like the majority of friends I have ( no offense ) but I want to grow and expand and want more experiences reflective of that. I'm not sure surrounding myself with a support group is best. 

I will give myself new experiences, maybe just visit new places bymyself. 

Also just go exploring bymyself, that used to be my favorite before I discovered friendship here . 

These are my thoughts , peace 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What is GOD/Source

So i was trolling social media and i saw this question:...."
question....What do you think of the Statement " God is source energy, energy doesn't give a shit about anything, source energy is just for creating, we are the creators creating ??????"

some people were agreeing and sayning it doesnt care here is what i said..

    • I answer your question with what do you think god is. at the core of what we are is love. love always cares, i think that with that statement there is illusion embedded within it and that time out getting to feel have personal experience with and communion with the energy of creation to know its creator would do you some good. in face im gonna take that advice after I shower,
      7 mins · Like
    •  and another way of viewing it is a creator is never separate form its creation, when you birth something into existence ( i would know im an artist) you are literally breathing life into another aspect of who you are which acne be a painfully deep process. you as a creator are intimately tied to your creation, so no. God/Source energy does give a shit. maybe not the way you want but it does. go out and get to know yourself, because we are extensions of that same creative energy. ( kinda agitated, but said with love  ) okay bye now

Day 1 of Lexie Root Muladhara

Today is Day 1

I took 1/2 a pill to let my body adjust and have to wait 7 days.

I actually just took it about an hour before, and now I have experienced a slight headache. I felt a sense of relief when  took it. it felt like I was making the right choice.

Its 12:40pm right now and  we will see what the effect is.

also I have learned and I know that I had paranoid tendencies, trust issues.

After going through this learning experience it may be best that I spend Alot of time to myself and I need to to better myself. To not focus on people and to learn how to focus as purely as I would someone in need but on myself.

I need to give myself this gift.

I'm piecing things together, when people are on antidepressants, alcohol and other drugs are intensified. it would explain alot. also the taking advice from others ad not trusting yourself. i can understand. I just wish you would've told me. with everything the universe told me, i wish you would have told me. ~Alex

Monday, April 13, 2015

Grooming For Greatness

I Feel Like I'm Being Groomed,
           Like Prepared for something that will happen sooner or later in life.

Currently Im a Reverend/ Pastor/ Priest.
                 I give Damn Good Readings
                 I can Make Petitions on the behalf of others
                 I am Connected to Iam Presence.
                 Ect, Ect Ect :D

During this light cycle I have learned to not be so open with people. to maintain that faith but allow others to decide what is best for them even when i don't fully understand.

I have learned to REALLY close off my chakras and energy centers to people who aren't that good for me

I have learned persistence and to not let exhaustion determine if i will do something. If I want Something I Just Do It. I can practice this more than ever before now.

I have learned the art of politics and the art of focus. although I have had it from before it is more available to me in the midst of a group or confrontation.

I have learned the Value of My Existence.

I Have Learned to better take care of myself and accept the Blessings Of Compliments From Others 
( if a curse is evil intent and energy then what is a conversely blessing <3 )

I have learned self Love and Putting Myself first, what is the most loving thing i can do for my self this moment.

I have learned to focus more fervently on the Dream of Who I want to be, and how a little bit each day contributes to that dream.

I have learned to let go of Comparisons, ( I Already do that,) but i have learned to let go of others energy of comparison 9 empathic , which in turn has taught me to close my chakras and energy centers off to certain people because they hit me and i end up playing their game, loosing control over myself and thats not okay. )

I have learned Focus.

I Have Remembered to Set up and Use my Altar.
I have remembered i am a being of Light.
I have Remembered my origin
I have Remembered My love Of Spiritual Focus
I have Remembered How easy Life Actually is 
I have Remembered How Easy Life is supposed to be all the time
I have Remembered the Spiritual Birthright We All have Available To us
I have Remembered I am a state of Grace

I Allow The Divine Manifestation of Source to be my state today
I Allow Myself to feel Joy and Laugh today

I have Remembered that it is not the energy of the place but ,the energy I decide to bring with me 
I have Remembered I Hold Rank In Whatever Space I am In, In Whatever Situation I have allowed myself to be, I Am a Being Of light and I carry that torch with me.

I Remember To Remember to Stay Focused on The life The Vision Of me That I See Myself As. 

I Have Learned to Choose to be Confident in My Choice of Joy, (still trying a bit with this one )

I Have Remembered Myself.

Eclipse energy

Hey :) I think that this wormhole eclipse transition was about breaking illusions and teaching is whatever it was we needed to become self sufficient. I know that we will be "tested" again or we will see situations that will reinforce what we have learned. And I think we all should be prepared for that. This is what I'm coming to expect at least. So stand in your power and stay in your truth everyone !!! Ttyl. Also remember we are all deliberate creators we get to decide what we invite in our lives regardless of planetary influence, we have the ability to choose. By default or deliberately, best of love and joy to you all -Alexander

Sex Bomb Om

So, I've noticed my sex drive is like non existent. Been this way for about a month and a half now, I mean it's concerning but still really cool I think.

I only wonder about it now bc I finally had time to masturbate and just didn't even feel the urge. Should I be concerned ? Dunno?

But my altar I have is super peaceful awesome!! :) yeah it's nice :) 

Okay bai

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hey there

5 weeks left til freedom. Freedom or more bondage hmm I don't know ? 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Vipassana like 4 or 5....Whatever free writing crazy ness dont read it

So Shopping is REALLY good therapy
                A different form of Self Love Without being Obsevvive ( SELF CONTROL!! )

free writng :
 kehfljlwgm;smlfgm so i ate a subway sandwhich it was good kinda, have work thats due tomorrow and a test friday Wing extra side of WING : ) pass the test i ashall finsh the work i shall, work all night and get 5 hours sleep i shall contradictory yes and im writing again call me jack kerowac only im not a closet bisectaul wjho will kill himself before forty or am i idk i do know just free writing need to east m]need to feed good ything i have a subway sandwhich, why is free writing an exersise doesnt this just promote the budhisst western mokey mind. im not too sure this is somethin i should practice, will this lower my anxuety having constant thoughts or thi sjust a practice to help expand that, maybe i should think on this more lol conudrum  okay so i think i really am gonna eat once i hit the halfway mark. playing the game transistor was awesome on ps4 xbox and steam superfun game i also thought of allen ginsbutrg right now need to redefine how i view relationships how i define men in general potential need to rediefine how i view humans what are people to me ate they things that need to be fixed are they things im really good at fixing with insoght wht is my relationship to myself theses are all things im posting to avoid posting something more personal and demanding of my focus split focus still allows for manidfestsation, i  really want to eat a burger right now medium still bloddy and i want cheese lettuce so many veggies sjust a veggie burger salad no bread lots of meat y blood y food y goodness  am i halfway yet?

i told you not to read it....

Sunday, April 5, 2015


i just wanted to express that i want better habits, and im striving for more. ty thats all. 

my exhaustive list willl be kept to myself, but i want better for myself.

I dont want to get so lost in others illusions and their lives anymore, i want to be focused on my betterment. i want purer focus on my betterment and stronger belief in the allowing and achievement of it.

i also want adventure.


as i was meditating today i felt my heart beating, pulsing and causing waves throughout my body.

i relieved memories that are connected to recent traumatic experiences, it seems like my mind is on this loop where it wants me to keep analyzing situations that have long since been resolved.

fear, loops based in fear and the carrot being dangled in front of me is that i can change it.

anicha anicha....

when i get  like this i can focus on anapana and return myself to the task at hand, no craving or aversion, just focus.

i broke out of the meditation after 46.37 minutes because i wanted to, i was done. i decided i was done. it wasn't physically painful to be in it, or extremely pleasurable. i just wanted out

maybe mental discomfort was what was being passed through i  this one.

either way its time for breakfast.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


So i made peanut butter Granola today, i need to wait til the third stir in when i add the peanut butter or may be second and have the butter mixed in with a second helping of coconut oil and honey. mainly because the peanut butter started to scorch and although it doesn't change the flavor in a bad way i would prefer if the granola wasn't so scorched. 

Also i may leave out the goji berries, they are very good but there is a subtle sweetness to the peanut butter granola that i really love and the super sweetness of the goji takes away from that.. 

That is All, Foodies food blog is done for the day.... maybe :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Power Animal

So a few hours ago I saw in the evening a whole migration of hawks !!! My spirit animal , just confirming I'm on the right path. 

Thank you 

I also had rabbit reveal itself to me before I Monday , racoon yesterday night, and today first one hawk them the whole flick which was massive!! 

I can trust in myself!

I also worked through some past traumas and paranoia by just deciding I don't need to think about it. 

Going on vision quests, like all guided meditations, can be very powerful indeed! 

Highly reccomend it for greater mastery if emotions in terms of fears and other thoughts that may hold you back, bc you realize, they are only mental loops and I would rather focus on building myself versus this. :) good times 

It's also a lot easier to see the loops and roles people accept for them selves and how they choose not to hear themselves. To be self aware.

I mean if anyone is dissatisfied with life in any way, the choice is there todo something that excites you!!

You don't have to settle for boring or mediocre because you think this is all life has to offer!!

The world is Full of plenty of people who will recognize your value but they need you to recognize  your value first! 

Treat yourself better, receive better. Honor yourself, receive honor.

Winter is comming lol 


Stay amazing, Love Alexander <3