Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Candle Blessings

Okay so here is a blessing i tried on a candle for the home and it worked !!! :D Happy Wife happy life eh :)

Personally I stopped at the ejector of satan part and modified it for what I wanted removed from my life. ;P . I also used florida water and no incense.

This is from the book/ manual " The Protestant Keepsake"

"According to the " Poesy of Prayers, or the Key of Heaven," a mass was instituted, called Candlemas, because mass is said this day. The Church blesses her candles for the whole year, and makes a procession, with hallowed or blessed candles in the hands of the faithful. The following prayer, from one of the Catholic Service books, will show the nature of the service : — " Oh, Lord Jesus Christy that enlighteneth everyone that cometh into the world, pour out thy benediction upon these can dles, and sanctify them with the light of thy grace." Another begins — " Holy Lord, Father Almighty, Everlasting God, who has created all things of nothing, and by the labour of bees caused this liquor to come to the perfection of a wax-candle, we humbly beseech thee, that by the invocation of thy most holy name, and by the intercession of the blessed Virgin whose festivals are this day celebrated, and by the prayers of all thy saints, thou wouldst vouchsafe to bless and sanctify these candles." Then, direction is given to sprinkle the candles thrice with holy water, saying, "Sprinkle me with ." He then perfumes them thrice with incense. Another prayer begins thus : — " Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, bless this creature of wax to us thy suppliants, and infuse into it, by the virtue of the holy cross, the heavenly benediction, that what-

-soever place it shall be lighted in, that the devil may depart, and tremble, and fly away with all his monsters from these habita tions, and not presume any more to disturb them." There is also this benediction : — " I bless thee, oh, wax ! in the name of the blessed Trinity, that thou mayst be in every place the ejector of Satan, and subversive of all his companions."   During the time these prayers are being said by the priest, va rious genuflections, bowings, and crossings, are made by the chief priest officiating. Then the candles are distributed, with great ceremony, from the altar. Every priest present receives a candle

on his knees ; the candles are then severally kissed, as is also the hand of the priest who delivers it. While the candles are being distributed, a hymn is sung — " A Light to Lighten the Gentiles." In Catholic countries, the people join the priests in their public processions to the churches, every person bearing a burning candle. The golden legend states, " That a lady, who had given her mantle to a poor man, for the love of our Lady, would not go to church on Candlemas Day, but went into her own private chapel, and, kneeling before the altar, fell asleep, and had a miraculous vision, wherein she saw herself at church. Into this visionary church she imagined that a troop of virgins came, with a noble virgin at their head, crowned right preciously, and seated them selves in order ; then a troop of young men, who seated themselves in like order ; then one, with a proper number of candles, gave to each a candle, and to the lady herself he gave a candle of wax. Then came St. Laurence as a deacon, and St. Vincent as a sub- deacon, and Jesus Christ as a priest, and two angels bearing candles ; then the two angels began the advent of the mass, and the virgins sang the mass ; then the virgins went, and each offered the candle to the priest, and the priest waited for the lady to offer her candle ; then the glorious Queen of Virgins sent to her to say, that she was not courteous to make the priest tarry so long for her, and the lady answered, that the priest might go on with the mass, for she should keep her candle herself, and not offer it ; and the Virgin sent a second time, and the lady said she should not offer the candle. Then the Queen of Virgins said to the mes senger, ' Pray her to offer the candle ; and if she will not, take it from her by force.' Still she would not offer the candle, and, therefore, the messenger seized it ; and the lady held so fast and long, and the messenger drew and pulled so hard, that the candle broke, and the lady kept half. Then the lady awoke, and found the piece of candle in her hand, when she marvelled, and returned thanks to the glorious Virgin, who had not suffered her to be without a mass on Candlemas Day ; and all her life kept the piece of candle for a relic, and all they that were touched there with were healed of their maladies and sickness."

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